Collection: Agile & Scrum

Agile concept describes the ability to create and respond to change. 

The Agile Framework is a project management approach that involves: 

  • Breaking the project into phases 
  • Emphasizing continuous collaboration and improvement
  • Using short development cycles (sprints) for continuous product or service improvement 
  • Several roadmaps to provide context for reaching incremental and project-wide goals 

Agile framework emerged from the 2001’s Agile Manifesto, where 17 software practitioners got together to identify and put into practice a new way to develop software. 

Agile values includes: 

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools 
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation 
  • Responding to change over following a plan

Are you ready to start your career path in Agile with MindFlux Consulting?